Koseli Cummings

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Linkedin, Tubby Todd, and Babysitters

Image by Heather Moore

First, I have to admit I'm coming off a really weird day. I began the day energized and now, at 8 PM, I feel like I've been hit by a truck. It's felt like a long week. We've been battling colds, teething, big emotions, new labels, big campaign deadlines, limited childcare, and late nights. Just like everybody else. It seems to have built up a little too much though and all I want to do is eat cadberry mini eggs and watch The Americans.

Second. (And this is really ironic after that paragraph.) In the past little while I've heard from recruiters from some big companies in the area. I don't know if someone else has the same name as me in SF, but I'm super flattered and excited to know my wordsmithing is literally tricking people into seeking me out for great jobs. I swear, I will think I'm a fake until I die. #impostersyndrometothemax Scratch that. To be honest, for the first time in a long time, I do not feel like a fake. I've been writing and editing for seven years and I've always felt like I was just figuring out as I was going. (I love that feeling--I think it's crucial to make good work.) I got lucky and worked with great clients and people I really admired that had way more experience than me and did just fine, but still felt like a fake. But now? I don't know if it's just that I really, really love the company I work for now, or that I've found content strategy (social media marketing + email marketing especially) to be so endlessly fascinating, or I'm just too busy to worry about it, but I feel like I get it. I feel confident and excited. I know we'll always figure it out and doing something is better than doing nothing. We get it out, and then keep reworking to improve. We don't wait to get something perfect before pushing it out. How very lean of us. How Bay Area of me.

Third, bless good babysitters. They are a diamond in the ruff.

Now to Season Four of The Americans. Just a nice relaxing episode before bed.