Koseli Cummings

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Best Impulse Amazon Purchase Ever

One of my favorite things is Amazon Prime. (You too?) I wish I didn't love it so much, but I do. (You too?) A couple of months ago, I was prepping for the second birthday party in a month and realized I needed something that could dazzle toddlers until they were weak in the knees. Enter rotating multi-color disco ball thing. It's much better than I'm making it sound. 

I bought and it received it the next day. I love technology! We pulled it out for the Monster Mash Toddler Dance Party a few weeks later and it was a hit. But, it's the impulse purchase that just keeps giving. (Never thought I'd say that.)

When the sun sets at 4:30 mid-winter and there's not another adult to be seen for another four hours, this rotating bulb becomes the Light you've always hoped for, but didn't know existed. Plug it in and you've got an impromptu dance party happening. It never fails to cheer us all up and get us through dinnertime, bathtime, and the full bedtime routine with fewer wiggles and less crying (hopefully). It can motivate the mopiest little one to help clean up or play with their sibling. Throw in some Bieber or Timberlake and everything is A-ok once again.

Bless this house, little disco ball thing. Do you have any Amazon impulse purchases that have gone so right? It's the best.