Koseli Cummings

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Our Fourth

He's here! Solfinn Koseli Cummings was born August 12. We're just over two weeks into having him here with us, but it feels like he's always been here. He's a super cuddly, sweet baby and luckily for us, still in the sleepy newborn stage. Adjusting to four kids has not been easy but we're really grateful to our friends and church community for bringing us food, taking our kids to the park, and just generally being awesome. My parents also drove 12 hours to be here with us for a couple weeks. There's nothing I love more than watching my friends and family love on my kids. It's been a really special couple of weeks.

I'll be taking a break from freelance copywriting and content strategy to enjoy my time with my family for several more weeks, but I did register for Alt Summit 2019. Are you going too? I can't wait. I'll be accepting client work again beginning October 1 but you're welcome to email me anytime at koseli@koseli.co. You can also follow along with me at @koswriter on Instagram and subscribe to my podcast about creativity, tech, and motherhood, Little Things, wherever you love to listen to podcasts.

Happy Baby Days!