Happy Friday everyone. I'm not feeling super great today but, it's sunny(!) outside and warmish so that's working wonderful magic for my winter blues. 

I'm feeling happy for the weekend so we can slow down and catch up on The Mindy Project (crucial), some baby proofing, and a little decorating around our apartment. Hope you have a good one! Here's my favorite posts from around the internet this week, and, this past week's posts on Design Mom.

Social Media Etiquette by Design Sponge: Follow the 1/3 Rule: Personal, Promotion, Resource and you'll be good as gold. I love following smart, positive people on Twitter. I like hearing about your new projects and blog posts and I love when you share others' work that is super cool, too. I like a little funny and an occasional picture is great too.

City Sage: Anne Sage's Letter to Valentine's Day (Anyone else love Anne, too? I think she's so great.)

Besotted Blog, a new favorite of mine. I love her Pinterest Curator series. It's lovely!

And on Design Mom—

Louise Fili Postage Stamp, with a sweet personal thought in the comments from Gabrielle (a.k.a. Design Mom herself) about her interview with Louise when she lived in New York. I LOVED this so much!

Peter Pan Collar. A crochet pattern for a little girl collar, or adapt for adult. So cute!

Valentino Spring 2013. Gorgeous dresses, of course. 

Tiny Room Series. Because I am obsessed with miniature everything. Tiny suitcases!

Koseli Cummings

Hello! I’m Koseli. I’m a content strategist based in the Bay Area.

Be Soft


Valentine's Day 'Come Hither' Haiku