Alt Summit SLC 2013


I can't believe I haven't shared my good news: I'm going to be at Alt Summit this year! It's my first time attending a blogging conference and I am so looking forward to it. Finally meeting Gabby in person, mingling with smart, funny bloggers, absorbing vast amounts of information. I'm giddy thinking about it. My plan is this:

1) Make a grand plan, but be okay with flexibility and surprises. 

2) Decide which panels and discussions to attend beforehand. I'm following Track A, but jumping into Track B for several panels.

3) Schedule meetings beforehand. For me, this is a business trip and a wonderful opportunity for me to meet and make blogging friends and learn from you all. If you'd like to get tea, or chat in the halls, reach out! I'll also be at The Market Street Grill for the Wednesday Dinner if you'd like to meet there. I'd like to fill my Alt experience to the brim with mini meetings.

4) Find mentors. There are so many bloggers I admire and adore and Alt is the chance to meet these wonderful curators in person. I can't wait.

5) Brand awareness. Business cards, business cards, business cards. I can't wait to share mine and then sort through all the beauties I receive when I get back to NYC. 

6) Brand feedback. This goes along with brand awareness, but I want to meet my Original Archiving readers (I love you!) and Design Mom readers (I love you, too! Isn't Design Mom the best?) and learn from YOU. If you see me, and you have feedback on my Discovery posts on Design Mom or Original Archiving, please share. What do you like to see? What posts have been your favorite? Anything you dislike? I'd love to hear your thoughts. You can also email me at koseli cummings @ gmail . com. I love hearing from you. I respond to every email.

7) Clue Party. I can't tell you how excited I am for the excuse to dress up. This is going to be so fun!

Can't wait for January. Please think of me on my red eye flight from NYC-->SLC with my then sixteen-month old son. He's a champion traveler (five round-trip flights his first year I believe) but we all know how quickly it can unravel once you're aboard and buckled in. Ha! Until then. xo

Koseli Cummings

Hello! I’m Koseli. I’m a content strategist based in the Bay Area.

Happy Birthday, Keenan


Holiday Cheer