Girlfriend Getaway
The boyfriends I have to get away from sometimes. Maybe they'll be In n' Out models one day? One can only hope. Summer 2014. Photo by Keenan Cummings.
Last weekend, six of my girlfriends and I got together and stayed in a hotel overnight in a nearby suburb. We grabbed In n' Out on the way out of town, then met at the hotel. We celebrated our friend's birthday, hung out in the hot tub, and stayed up late talking and eating junk food. It was hilarious and giggly and so relaxing. It was the best night's sleep I've had for months and months (Black-out curtains! No kids!) and the first time I hadn't woke up to crying or screaming since our trip to New York City in September. It was the best idea ever. How have I not done this before?! Have you done a trip with friends? I'm thinking this should be a quarterly thing....
P.S. A couple of my friends have nursing babies that don't take bottles so they stayed late but left when they got a text that the baby was awake. We stayed in a hotel close enough that this was possible, but far enough away from Berkeley that it felt like a getaway. (And it was cheaper to get out into the suburbs.)