Down the Rabbit Hole: Week 5
Haim sisters found here.
'Well!' thought Alice to herself, ' after such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs!
Down the Rabbit Hole is a new series in 2014. Every week(<---Eek, sometimes) I will compile my favorite things from around the internet for our mutual enjoyment. The internet is fun! Enjoy!
Need to brain dump my excitement for Haim. EEEEEEE! I first saw them on Jimmy Fallon and was like, what is happening? This is amazing. They're like the modern 90s girl band I didn't even know I was looking for. And they're sisters? Are you kidding. There's not much I can even say about how awesome that is. I need a convertible and the Pacific Coast Highway to properly execute what happens in my head when I listen to Don't Save Me.
I'm impatiently waiting for my first Stitchfix to arrive and I'm so excited. Am I a little sad to say goodbye to frumpiness? Maybe. I have such a soft spot for over-sized lounge pants. But I'm so excited to open my front door and find a box with five perfect, new items of clothes that someone else picked for me. That's luxury. Anyway, I might even write up a full post on the whole experience. Would you like that?
Do you like the Maya Rudolph show? I watched the first episode and want more, but also want it to be funnier. Maybe I just want Jimmy Fallon?
I'm getting really excited for Alt Summit in Salt Lake City in a few weeks! Keenan will be speaking and I can't wait for that. He did such an amazing job at ALT NYC. I also can't wait to see old friends and meet more of my online friends in person. If you'd like to meet up, let's make it happen. I love meeting people and I've found in the past that making those meet-ups more deliberate makes them happen, especially at a large conference like Alt Summit. If you're looking for some advice or feeling Alt nerdy and want to get all the dirty details, here's Five Tips for Alt Summit, The difference between ALT NYC and ALT SLC, and Make a game plan before Alt.
We love Northern California. Everybody's so chill, the sun's always out, and the air smells like flowers. It's a big adjustment for us but we're doing well. All this is to say in a super roundabout way how much I love Trader Joe's snacks. We live two minutes door-to-door from one and wow. I love it. I especially love that shelving above the frozen food section. You know what I'm talking about. Where they literally take any kind of food and swaddle it in chocolate. Chocolate covered edammame, peanuts with sea salt, miniature peanut butter cups, magic, etc. etc. It's amazing. Oh, TJs. Also, that kettle corn and those frozen macaroons. I'm like 80/20 on the Whole 30 thing and 100% okay with that because of awesome Trader Joe's treat-time. I think TJs is bonding me with NoCal in a very deep and meaningful way. :)
If you live in East Bay, you're looking for an entry-level job, and interested in social media and blogging, you should apply to be Gabrielle Blair of Design Mom's office assistant. I cannot stress enough how awesome she is to work with AND this is an amazing opportunity to jump all-in and learn a ton about the daily workings of a blog.
Goodbye, Maya Angelou. "Listen to yourselves and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God."
Have a wonderful weekend!