Print Aid NYC

Friends and I just launched a creative project to benefit Sandy relief efforts. It is the brainchild of designer Linsey Laidlaw and I was honored to name it, write some copy, and share it.

The word aid has come to mind innumerable times the last two weeks. I cannot count the instances of simple kindnesses I've seen, or the expressions of selfless human-to-human giving. The thoughtful cashier asking how we fared. The doctor who worked three straight shifts pushing an entire grocery cart full of supplies to a donation spot. Children parting with special toys and drawing hopeful scrawled pictures for those that have nothing. An exhausted ecclesiastical leader playing his saxophone to elderly evacuees every night at the Armory. Women with multiple children serving in warm shelters early in the morning and sometimes all night. Meeting people. Hearing their stories. Seeing pictures of ravaged neighborhoods dotted with relief workers restoring one square foot at a time. It rekindles my belief in the goodness of people and makes me want to be a better person. 

If you'd like to support creatives banding together to give, buy a poster and share Print Aid NYC with your friends on Twitter and Facebook. We ship domestic and international. Keenan's Regrow print here.

About Print Aid NYC:
Print Aid NYC is a coalition of New York City-based artists committed to helping our neighbors and rebuilding our city in the wake of Hurricane Sandy's devastation. 100% of the proceeds will go to the Mayor's Fund for Hurricane Relief. If you are an artist who calls NYC home and would like to join us, get in touch. To remain updated and learn of progress, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you for your support.  

Keep your chin up, New York.

Koseli Cummings

Hello! I’m Koseli. I’m a content strategist based in the Bay Area.

Alice in Vogue


Fuzzy Legs